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Traditional Acupuncture

Acupuncture is part of the whole healthcare system rooted in Chinese philosophy and Chinese medicine theories. The Chinese have a few thousand years of history of using acupuncture to treat illness and maintain good health. It is believed in Chinese medicine theory that vital energy (Qi) is fundamental in human health and Qi supports our body and maintains our health through the meridian system. A free flow of healthy qi is the basis of good health. We feel ill when the body is invaded by unhealthy qi or if the qi is in disorder (stagnant, deficient, rebellious, etc.).

Acupuncture usually involves a series of weekly treatment sessions, of about 30 minutes duration. It is an external therapy which involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points in the body. There are hundreds of these acupuncture points distributed along the body’s meridians. Needles are inserted into points along one or more meridians to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms to restore its natural equilibrium.

We observe the Code of Safe Practice and always use single-use pre-sterilised needles, which are disposed of after each treatment. The procedures have been approved by the UK Department of Health, and provide protection against the transmission of infectious diseases.

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