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Modern Acupuncture (FSN)
Fu's Subcutaneous Needling (FSN) Acupuncture
FSN also called Floating Acupuncture (FA) is a new acupuncture therapy which was invented by Chinese medical doctor Dr Zhonghua Fu in 1996. FSN uses patented needles and trocars to sweep and stimulate the superficial fascia around the affected muscles, thereby increasing the blood circulation in the affected area and relaxing the muscles, thereby enabling Muscles to return to normal function and pain is relieved. It is proving to be very effective in a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions and other conditions. It can produce an incredible pain relieving effect. For some acute pain conditions, such as muscular and ligament strains, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis and acute back pain, it can have almost instant pain-relieving results. Our patients describe the FSN as a"magical needle”.
Tightened muscles (TM) and Myofascial Trigger Points(MTrPs) which are commonly associated with pain. Myofascial Trigger Points are described as hyperirritable spots in skeletal muscle that are associated with palpable nodules in taut bands of muscle fibres. Spontaneous Electrical Activity(SEA). One of the MTrP features can be recorded easily by electromyography. FSN needle is a disposable dry needle. The needle consists of a solid stainless-steel needle and a casing soft pipe. The needle is accurately delivered into the subcutaneous level by an applicator device. Once the needle is at a subcutaneous level. The needle tip is withdrawn and rests into the casting tube then a left-right swipe manipulation, like a windscreen swipe, is performed. After a few minutes of manipulation, the tightened muscles will be manipulated. The tightened muscles will be relaxed and in most cases, the pain caused by tightened muscles will decrease or disappear. The subcutaneous layer can be twitched by mechanical forces. so FSN relieves pain faster and quicker than traditional acupuncture. Based on Tightened Muscles theories, FSN has been extended to other medical conditions, such as chronic nonproductive, dry cough, constipation, dizziness, weak bladder, periods pain and headache.
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